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2012-05-02 17:34:06 来源: 艾格农业数据库(CnAgri)


 2010年5月15日,中国世博十大名茶入驻世博会联合国馆暨中国茶展示区启动仪式在上海世博会联合国馆会议厅举行。这是一次史无前例的中国茶文化和中国茶产业盛会。在人类世博史上终于诞生了属于中国茶界自己的《共同宣言》。来自中国七大茶行业组织和全国有关省、市的茶文化、茶学、茶产业、茶艺、茶道等各种茶文化、茶经济形态的几十家行业组织以及学术团体、研究机构,参加和见证了本次盛典。中国是世界茶叶的母国,是世界茶文化的发祥地。中国茶文化,包含了人类和谐生活中许多美好的情素。我们以世博会“理解、沟通、欢聚、合作”八字精神为核心,组建了中国世博十大名茶活动组委会,在“一个地球,一个联合国,一杯中国茶”的理念架构下,在本届世博会 “城市,让生活更美好”主题的感召下,倡导“喝茶,让城市生活更美好”、“喝茶,让人类生活更健康”的重要思想。我们相信中国世博十大名茶入驻上海世博会联合国馆的展示,使中国名茶与名茶之间深化了认识,扩大了共识,加强了合作,取得了积极成果。 我们关注,当今世界崇尚喝茶的国家越来越多,崇尚喝茶的民族越来越多,中国茶正经历着复杂而深刻的变革,茶经济全球化、信息化以及世界文化多样性与共通共融,为世界茶产业的发展提供了广阔前景,也为中国世博十大名茶传播世界构建了重要舞台。我们希望,中国世博十大名茶向全世界传播的是真实、客观、公正的中国茶,推动中国名茶的价格、质量、安全的透明度和公信力,促进世界饮茶国家和地区人民之间的相互理解和交流。我们密切关注中国茶文化将对构建和谐世界所产生的影响。我们还就中国茶对市场危机、创新发展的策略和经验相互沟通。我们认为,中国茶叶从药用、食用、饮用一直到今天的品用时代,世界饮茶的环境与格局正在发生着深刻变化。挑战与机遇并存,机遇大于挑战。积极适应时代发展潮流,充分应用高新技术成果,加强茶叶科技创新,将有助于推动中国茶产业乃至世界茶产业变革和进步。






 Joint Declaration of China World Expo Ten Famous Teas

 In UN Pavilion, Expo 2010 Shanghai, on May 15, 2010

 The launching ceremony of "China Expo Ten Famous Tea" Project is held here today, in the conference room in the UN Pavilion on May 15, 2010

 This is an unprecedented event of Chinese tea culture and Chinese tea industry, participated in and witnessed by the seven major tea industrial associations in China and dozens of tea organizations, academic groups and research institutions national-wide, involved in tea culture, tea science, tea industry, tea ceremony and other forms.

 As the origin of tea and birthplace of tea culture which has spread worldwide, China has developed a tea culture including important philosophies of human harmony.

 Therefore, under the core concept of "understanding, communication, celebrations, and cooperation" found the organizing committee of the Shanghai Expo UN Pavilion "China Expo Ten Famous Tea" Project. Inspired by "Better City, Better Life", theme of the expo, the committee raises the project themes of "one earth, one United Nations, one cup of Chinese tea," and “Healthy tea, healthier city, healthier world”.

 We believe that the opportunity of settling and displayed in UN Pavilion will help to deepen mutual understandings, expand consensus and enhance co-operations between China famous teas.

 We realize that tea drinking is accepted and promoted by more and more countries globally. China tea is undergoing complicated and profound transformation. The globalization and informatization of tea economy and diversity and interpenetration of world cultures will benefit the world tea industry to a brighter future, and will provide important stage for China ten famous teas to spread across the world.

 We expect that the "China Expo Ten Famous Tea" Project, conveying real, objective and fair China teas to the world, will push the transparency and public credibility in pricing, quality, food safety of China teas, and will promote mutual communications and understandings between world tea-drinking countries and peoples.

 We keep a close eye on the influences of China tea culture in establishing the harmonious world; discuss the opportunities and challenges of tea industry; and share experiences in innovation and development strategies.

 We understand that tea-drinking environments and habits are under great changes globally, while identification of China tea changed from herbal medicine, food, drink, till advanced beverage nowadays. At present, we’re embracing more opportunities than challenges. Accordingly, we should conform actively to the trend of the time, employ fruits of modern science and technology, and strengthen innovation in tea growing and producing, so that we can promote the development of China tea industry, even advance the world tea industry.

 We hope that the ten Famous Teas exhibited in the UN Pavilion will play a significant role in the progress of world tea industry. The ten companies, with respective advantages in resources, marketing, technology, human resources and other aspects, can harvest mutual benefits and mutual developments through co-operations, experience-sharing, mutual respects, and join efforts and so forth.

 We are confident that communications and co-operations between the ten famous teas will be reinforced during Expo Shanghai, The companies will exchange information, talents, techniques and experiences here, and face opportunities and achievements hand in hand.

 We are convinced that this event will exert profound positive impacts and influences on domestic tea industry, and even world tea industry.

 The event is initiated by the Organizing Committee of Shanghai Expo UN Pavilion "China Expo Ten Famous Tea" Project, organized by United Nations Pavilion, Organizing Committee of "China Expo Ten Famous Tea" Project, and Shanghai Tea Science Society, with full supports of local governments and tea companies of the ten famous teas origins, including: Municipal Government of Beijing xuanwu district,Hangzhou, Liu’an, Duyun, Chizhou, Wuyishan, Fuding, Liyang and County Government of Anxi; Hunan Tea Company Ltd., Beijing Zhangyiyuan Tea Co., and etc.

 May 15, 2010

本文标签:中国 世博 十大名茶


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